The path of least resistance is the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity that leads the entity to take a given path. It is certainly not an easy choice as most of us want things to always go smoothly in our lives. Some of you had chance meetings with me, some have gotten to know me through a reading and some of you do not know me at all. My goal is to help. I can certainly provide the tools to help you because I know that a path of resistance can leave you stuck and this is not an easy path. Spirituality taking the path of least resistance is letting go of fear , anxiety, depression, expectations and letting go of outcomes.
As we all strive to be better and achieve our goals and dreams of happiness it is important to remember to embrace each gift, each struggle, each challenge, or obstacle that comes your way with gratitude because as the saying goes, we must experience things in the Physical Realm to achieve growth in the Spiritual realm. Remember God has a plan for us and into life we are born to to labor here on Earth and we will keep being dealt the same lesson over and over until we learn it. We serve a higher power, so don’t resist , go ahead and doing your work and letting go of expectations and outcomes because you never know what blessings God will bestow on you.
Many Blessings of love and light!