"Our purpose here is to be used for something higher than ourselves."
~ Marianne Williamson
As a fourth-generation Psychic Medium. I discovered early on that the universe guides us through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. I have been blessed with the ability to connect with the outside world, and I enjoy connecting my clients with their own universal current. My work focuses on bringing awareness and healing through love and teaching others how to open up their own spiritual potential.

As a believer in synchronicity, I believe everything happens for a reason. There is no coincidence in life. There are things predestined to happen in order for us to fulfill our destiny.
As a result, we are protected, connected, and serve a higher power. It is through this connection to Spirituality, in which God is ever-present in the Light, that I have become more aware of how close we are to the Spiritual Realm.
I use my abilities to help comfort others in their time of grief by showing them that even when the physical body is gone, the energy of our loved ones remains.. These gifts are sacred to me, and I fear no judgment. I use them to bring a greater understanding and connection to the world in which we live.
In Love and Light,
Psychic Medium, Philadelphia, PA

"Death leaves a memory no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Written on a tombstone in Ireland

My Abilities

Clear Seeing
Clear Sense of Taste

Clear Hearing
Clear Sense of Smell

Clear Knowing
Clear Feeling

Clear Emotional Feeling of Spirit
Clear Sense of Touch